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Beauty, Bath & Body

Lavender has a refreshing clean scent that is sweet yet, never overpowering. We have captured the delightful fragrance of a field of lavender in this formulation especially for you. Excellent for super sensitive skin, burns, and other skin irritations.

Fresh, clean aroma that uplifts the spirit. Great for oily skin.

Disappear into your own woodland sauna with this relaxing blend of cedarwood, fir needle, patchouli, and vetiver essential oils.

Contains carrot seed and sweet orange blossom oils to tone and tighten the skin.

Goldenseal Foot Repair Lotion Bar will relieve your tired and troubled feet. Works quickly, restoring moisture to rough calloused feet. Relieves tired, aching, sore feet making them feel new and silky smooth.

This lemony Solid Lotion Bar is not only great for your skin, it makes a wonderful, all natural mosquito repellent. Lemongrass, Citronella, Neem, Tea Tree, and Eucalyptus Pure Plant Essential Oils are all well known for their insect repellent activity. When combined in a base of Beeswax, Cocoa...

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

100% Pure Essential Oils blended for diffusors, massage, facial oils, therapy baths, room & body mists, lotions & gels, or as a personal fragrance

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Safe and effective for you and your pets. Recommended for diffusors, pet’s bedding, lotions, spritzers, cleaning additive.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives
Basil Linalool (Egypt) Ocimum basilicum var. crispum Plant: herb Source: leaves Source: light yellow to pale green oil steam-distilled from the flowering tops and leaves. Odor: Sweet, herbaceous, anise-like aroma much like that of fennel. Properties: nervine, antispasmodic,...

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

100% Pure Essential Oils blended for diffusors, massage, facial oils, therapy baths, room & body mists, lotions & gels, or as a personal fragrance

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives
Bergamot, FCF* (Italy) Citrus aurantium var. bergamia Plant: Tree Source: A light greenish-yellow essential oil first obtained by mechanical expression (either scarification or compression) of the fruit rind of the small tree, followed by further clarification or filtering. Odor: A...

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

100% Pure Essential Oils blended for diffusors, massage, facial oils, therapy baths, room & body mists, lotions & gels, or as a personal fragrance

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

100% Pure Essential Oils blended for diffusors, massage, facial oils, therapy baths, room & body mists, lotions & gels, or as a personal fragrance

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

A botanical cousin of Ginger, Cardamom is another culinary favorite for its stomachic and carminative properties useful to stimulate appetite and digestion and as a reliable remedy for occasional dyspepsia, flatulence, and cramps.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: skin care, salves & ointments, cellulite massage.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

The Cedarwood tree’s superior wood, highly resistant to weather and insects, yields an insecticidal oil famous as the ingredient of moth balls. Astringent and antiseptic, Cedarwood’s skin, scalp and hair care attributes extend to its valuable role as a superb fixative in perfumery and soaps.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: fragrance, insecticide, massage, spritzers, skin and scalp care, lotions, fixative

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Fill your home with the festive aroma of pure and genuine spruce, orange and cinnamon essential oils.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: relieve aches and chills, joint pain, massage

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Properties: antiviral, antibacterial, immune supporting and calming, colds & flu, bronchitis, wound healing, arthritis, skin care, eczema/dermatitis, fibroids, menstrual conditions (excessive bleeding)

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Two chemical constituents, citronellal and geraniol, are largely responsible for Citronella’s unique citrus-floral odor. It is used mostly for commercial sprays, polishes, detergents, and repellents, whereby its disinfectant, deodorizing, and insecticidal properties are best utilized.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

100% Pure Essential Oils blended for diffusors, massage, facial oils, therapy baths, room & body mists, lotions & gels, or as a personal fragrance

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: massage, compress (PMS), baths

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: massage, compress (PMS), baths, and skin care treatments

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Common Uses: dentifrice, spritzers, foot treatments, liniments. Clove bud is antimicrobial, and analgesic. It has been used to treat tooth pain and oral inflammation, muscle and joint pain, insect repellent. (caution: skin sensitizer)

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Calming mixture with antidepressant qualities. Balances seesaw emotions and steadies mood swings. Lessens anxiety and irritability. Recommended for bath or massage.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

The famed “Italian” Cypress is cultivated and revered throughout the Mediterranean for its beauty and utility. It is vasoconstrictive and styptic for all kinds of vascular problems (such as hemorrhoids and varicosity) or conditions of fluid discharges or secretions.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: mature skin care, wrinkles, respiratory (chest infections), bronchitis, inhale for sinusitis

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

There are several hundred varieties of Eucalyptus, one of the most versatile and widely used essential oils. Specifically we refer to Eucalyptus globulus as a valuable remedy for respiratory concerns and in all sports blends for occasional joint and muscle complaints.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

There are several hundred varieties of Eucalyptus, one of the most versatile and widely used essential oils. Specifically we refer to Eucalyptus globulus as a valuable remedy for respiratory concerns and in all sports blends for occasional joint and muscle complaints.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

There are several hundred varieties of Eucalyptus, one of the most versatile and widely used essential oils. Specifically we refer to Eucalyptus globulus as a valuable remedy for respiratory concerns and in all sports blends for occasional joint and muscle complaints.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: Hair care, cellulite massage, compress. Fennel is used to treat peptic discomfort, gastrointestinal disorders, flatulence, cellulitis, edema, excellent for lymphatic massage, skin care: congested, dull, oily skin

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Refreshing, energizing tonic. Recommended for inhalation, diffusor, room freshener, sport massage and foot bath.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Common Uses: Diffusor, massage, sport & cellulite blends, inhalation, spritzers, liniments. Fir supports adrenal function. It is used to treat respiratory complaints, rheumatic and neuralgic ailments, skin care: antiseptic, acne, bacterial and fungal infections

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Enlivening respirant recommended for diffusors, room freshener, back and chest massage.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Although known as a skin care oil, Geranium also helps to relieve cramps, occasional depression, and nervousness. Its noted balancing affect makes Geranium a very versatile massage oil for day or evening. Moreover, it is effective in baths, compresses, diffusors, spritzers, lotions, and facial oils. Geranium also remains a favorite ingredient of the perfume and fragrance industry.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Common Uses: Skin care, fragrance, baths, diffusor, massage, lotions, spritzers

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Ginger is an international favorite spice used extensively in foods and fragrancing, as a tea, and in various beverages. Ginger is equally sought-after as a stimulating and fortifying tonic for poor circulation, nervous conditions, mental and physical fatigue.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Unsurprisingly, Grapefruit demonstrates similar qualities found in Lemon and other citrus oils. Yet, although expressed citrus oils may cause photosensitivity (at least potentially), grapefruit is considered to be virtually non-phototoxic. Grapefruit makes a delightful aerosol or diffusor experience. The oil contains a trace constituent known as thioterpineol that is the most potent odorous chemical so far discovered by science.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Sweet, sensual blend for massage, bath or as a fragrance.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Enhances immune system function. Recommended for partial body massage, diffusors, inhalation.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Consider for colds and flu, asthma, ENT and pulmonary. Commonly used for: Personal Fragrance, Massage, Facial Oils, Baths

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Enhances immune system function. Recommended for partial body massage, diffusors, inhalation.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Spiritually uplifting. Recommended for body spritz, facial oil, fragrance, bath, massage or meditation.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Traditionally a purifying aerosol and air freshener ingredient, Juniper is more importantly diuretic, cleansing, and restorative, although it must be moderately administered. General circulatory conditions benefit from its stimulating, tonic properties. Juniper works well in skin, scalp, and body care preparations and can also be applied in a bath or by compress. Cellulite massage treatments are made more effective by the inclusion of Juniper oil.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Common Uses: Insect repellent, skin care, spritzers, massage, diffusor, lotions

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Lavender is used to treat mood disturbance, restlessness, insomnia, functional abdominal complaints (nervous stomach irritation, nervous intestinal discomfort), colic, muscle aches and pains, colic, cystitis, dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), leucorrhea, skin care: acne, burns, insect bites, lice, scabies, inflamed skin

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives
Lavender, True (France) Lavandula angustifolia (vera) Plant: plant Source: A colorless oil steam-distilled from the flower heads of the shrub. Odor: A slightly tangy, fresh floral-woody fragrance. Properties: antispasmodic, cytophylactic, rubefacient, rejuvenative, immunostimulant,...

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Common Uses: Skin care, spritzers, diffusor, compress, sport & cellulite blends, lotions. Lemon is commonly used to elevate mood, antiseptic, immune stimulant, anti-allergic, antidepressant, promotes weight loss, skin care: antiseptic, acne, brightens complexion, lightens dark spots

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Lemon’s cool, lifting aroma bespeaks the refreshing, uplifting qualities common to citrus oils. Lemon is a febrifuge, immune support, a stomachic (especially for dyspepsia), a skin toner and gentle dermal bleaching agent. It is known as well for its tonic and cleansing properties that can be utilized topically or as an inhalant. Lemon’s many common and effective uses include skin and hair care, household cleaning, aerosol spritzers and inhalation, compresses, and various massage treatments.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

There are several varieties of Lemongrass meeting the high demand for this oil’s numerous uses in fragrances, soaps, and other commercial products. Its astringent, purifying, tonic properties are helpful in treating various skin problems and varicosity. Likewise topically, Lemongrass combats foot and body odors and excessive perspiration. Like Citronella, Lemongrass is an effective insect repellent, particularly against ants, fleas, ticks, and lice, and an aerosol disinfectant that can be dispersed in spritzers or diffusor blends.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: Inhalation, spritzers, diffusor, lotions, massage, sport blends, baths

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

The better grades of this volatile oil have a pleasant odor, reminiscent of lemon and jasmine.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Common Uses: Fragrance, skin care, spritzers, massage, lotions, baths, diffusor. Mandarin is commonly used for anxiety, antiseptic, antispasmodic, treats digestive complaints, skin care: acne, oily, wrinkled, evens skin tone and brightens complexion, lightens scars and dark spots

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Common Uses: Fragrance, skin care, spritzers, massage, lotions, baths, diffusor. Mandarin is used for anxiety, antiseptic, antispasmodic, treats digestive complaints, skin care: acne, oily, wrinkled, evens skin tone and brightens complexion, lightens scars and dark spots

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

For Insomnia, use with Lavender in a warm bath before bedtime

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

A traditional favorite as a culinary herb and preservative spice, both for its marvelous flavor and purifying properties, Marjoram is a superlative digestive aid that relieves the varied symptoms of occasional cramping, bloating, and swelling. It has a like effect upon similar menstrual discomforts. Moreover, Marjoram helps promote sleep, effectively alleviates stress related concerns, and lessens joint and muscle pain. It has a variety of applications in massage, compresses, diffusors, and baths. Sweet Marjoram (Origanum marjorana or Marjorana hortensis) should not to be confused with “Spanish Marjoram”(Thymus masticina), a variety of thyme and a different oil with its own properties.

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