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Unsurprisingly, Grapefruit demonstrates similar qualities found in Lemon and other citrus oils. Yet, although expressed citrus oils may cause photosensitivity (at least potentially), grapefruit is considered to be virtually non-phototoxic. Grapefruit makes a delightful aerosol or diffusor experience. The oil contains a trace constituent known as thioterpineol that is the most potent odorous chemical so far discovered by science.


Grapefruit, Pink (USA pressed peel) Citrus paradisi

Plant: Tree
Source: A pink to yellowish oil expressed from the fruit rind of the tree.
Odor: A crisp, clean, sweet citrus scent.
Properties: cleansing, tonic, uplifting, refreshing
Common Uses: skin care, lotions, spritzers, diffusor, massage, sport & cellulite blends

Unsurprisingly, Grapefruit demonstrates similar qualities found in Lemon and other citrus oils. Yet, although expressed citrus oils may cause photosensitivity (at least potentially), grapefruit is considered to be virtually non-phototoxic.

Grapefruit makes a delightful aerosol or diffusor experience. The oil contains a trace constituent known as thioterpineol that is the most potent odorous chemical so far discovered by science.

This information is intended as a guide only. Anyone with a serious health condition should consult a qualified health professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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