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A traditional favorite as a culinary herb and preservative spice, both for its marvelous flavor and purifying properties, Marjoram is a superlative digestive aid that relieves the varied symptoms of occasional cramping, bloating, and swelling. It has a like effect upon similar menstrual discomforts. Moreover, Marjoram helps promote sleep, effectively alleviates stress related concerns, and lessens joint and muscle pain. It has a variety of applications in massage, compresses, diffusors, and baths. Sweet Marjoram (Origanum marjorana or Marjorana hortensis) should not to be confused with “Spanish Marjoram”(Thymus masticina), a variety of thyme and a different oil with its own properties.


Marjoram, Sweet (France) Origanum marjorana

Plant: plant
Source: A pale yellow-to-amber oil steam-distilled from all parts of the herb but particularly the leaves and flowering tops.
Odor: A warm, spicy herbaceous aroma.
Properties: rubefacient, nervine, antispasmodic, sedative, renewing
Uses: diffusor, massage, skin care, compress, baths

A traditional favorite as a culinary herb and preservative spice, both for its marvelous flavor and purifying properties, Marjoram is a superlative digestive aid that relieves the varied symptoms of occasional cramping, bloating, and swelling. It has a like effect upon similar menstrual discomforts. Moreover, Marjoram helps promote sleep, effectively alleviates stress related concerns, and lessens joint and muscle pain. It has a variety of applications in massage, compresses, diffusors, and baths. Sweet Marjoram (Origanum marjorana or Marjorana hortensis) should not to be confused with “Spanish Marjoram”(Thymus masticina), a variety of thyme and a different oil with its own properties.

This information is intended as a guide only. Anyone with a serious health condition should consult a qualified health professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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