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  • Family Owned
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  • No Artificial Additives

3 days


The precise botanical identity of most commercial “Oregano oils” is always uncertain. Most are, in fact, not Origanum vulgare at all but instead either Origanum marjorana (Sweet Marjoram) or “Spanish” Oregano (Thymus capitatus). Some oils are erroneously labeled “Oregano leaf oil” or Origanum vulgare but are actually Marjoram or Thyme rather than true Oregano. Others are a mixture of Marjoram and Thyme sometimes with, sometimes without Oregano. Much of this confusion is understandable since Oregano, Marjoram, and Thyme are alike members of the same botanical family. Oregano oil possesses extraordinarily potent and broad purifying and antiseptic properties. Like other curative culinary herbs, Oregano has excellent digestive attributes but its powerful essential oil must be used very cautiously or under the supervision of a knowledgeable health practitioner. If used topically, correct dilution and proper application are most important because Oregano is strongly rubefacient and may cause skin irritation.


Oregano, Wild, (Bulgaria) Origanum vulgare

Plant: herb
Source: A pale yellow oil steam-distilled from the dried flowering herb.
Odor: A strong, hot, herbaceous-camphorous odor.
Properties: purifying, rubefacient, powerful stimulant, cytophylactic
Common Uses: highly diluted compress, foot treatments, salves & ointments. Oregano is a broad spectrum antimicrobial, antiparasitic, anti-arthritic, sedative, treats respiratory complaints, GI disturbance, dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain). (caution: skin sensitizer)

The precise botanical identity of most commercial “Oregano oils” is always uncertain. Most are, in fact, not Origanum vulgare at all but instead either Origanum marjorana (Sweet Marjoram) or “Spanish” Oregano (Thymus capitatus). Some oils are erroneously labeled “Oregano leaf oil” or Origanum vulgare but are actually Marjoram or Thyme rather than true Oregano. Others are a mixture of Marjoram and Thyme sometimes with, sometimes without Oregano. Much of this confusion is understandable since Oregano, Marjoram, and Thyme are alike members of the same botanical family. Oregano oil possesses extraordinarily potent and broad purifying and antiseptic properties. Like other curative culinary herbs, Oregano has excellent digestive attributes but its powerful essential oil must be used very cautiously or under the supervision of a knowledgeable health practitioner. If used topically, correct dilution and proper application are most important because Oregano is strongly rubefacient and may cause skin irritation.

This information is intended as a guide only. Anyone with a serious health condition should consult a qualified health professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

100% Pure and Genuine Essential Oil

  • Low methyl chavicol
  • Guaranteed Unadulterated
  • Single Species
  • GC/MS Analyzed
  • Distilled for therapeutic use
  • Manufactured by Time Labs

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