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The same Seville or Bitter Orange tree (Citrus aurantium var. amara; C. vulgaris; C. bigaradia) that produces the oils of Neroli (Orange Blossom) from its flowers and Bitter Orange from its fruit also yields from its leaves Petitgrain oil. The oil is a frequent choice of the food flavoring, fragrancing, and pharmaceutical industries for both its delightful taste and aroma. The orange leaf oil of Petitgrain is a less expensive and milder alternative to Neroli and more versatile than the expressed Orange oil. Petitgrain Bigarade is an effective antiperspirant deodorant and astringent skin and scalp care agent. Its safety and versatility make it widely useful in skin and hair care treatments, fragrances or air fresheners, baths or compresses, and as a diffusor or massage oil. Petitgrain Bigarade is distinguishable from other petitgrain oils that are similarly produced from other citrus tree leaves.


Petitgrain Bigarade (Paraguay) Citrus aurantium var. amara

Plant: Trees
Source: A pale yellow-to-amber oil steam-distilled from the leaves and green twigs of the tree.
Odor: A fresh, powdery floral-citrus scent.
Properties: nervine, antiperspirant, clarifying, refreshing, cleansing
Common Uses: skin care, fragrance, bath, inhalation, massage, spritzers, diffusors, lotions. Petitgrain is used for anxiety, as an antidepressant, antiseptic, deodorant. Also for skin care: astringent, balancing, brightening, normalizes sebum secretion

The same Seville or Bitter Orange tree (Citrus aurantium var. amara; C. vulgaris; C. bigaradia) that produces the oils of Neroli (Orange Blossom) from its flowers and Bitter Orange from its fruit also yields from its leaves Petitgrain oil. The oil is a frequent choice of the food flavoring, fragrancing, and pharmaceutical industries for both its delightful taste and aroma. The orange leaf oil of Petitgrain is a less expensive and milder alternative to Neroli and more versatile than the expressed Orange oil. Petitgrain Bigarade is an effective antiperspirant deodorant and astringent skin and scalp care agent. Its safety and versatility make it widely useful in skin and hair care treatments, fragrances or air fresheners, baths or compresses, and as a diffusor or massage oil. Petitgrain Bigarade is distinguishable from other petitgrain oils that are similarly produced from other citrus tree leaves.

This information is intended as a guide only. Anyone with a serious health condition should consult a qualified health professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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