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3 days


Although known as a skin care oil, Geranium also helps to relieve cramps, occasional depression, and nervousness. Its noted balancing affect makes Geranium a very versatile massage oil for day or evening. Moreover, it is effective in baths, compresses, diffusors, spritzers, lotions, and facial oils. Geranium also remains a favorite ingredient of the perfume and fragrance industry.


Geranium (Egypt) Pelargonium odorantissimum

Source: A greenish-yellow oil steam-distilled from the entire shrub but usually the leaves.
Odor: A heavy rose-like floral fragrance.
Common Uses: Skin Care, Relieve depression, Massage, Baths, Compress, Diffusor, Spitzer, Lotion, Perfume. hypotensive, anti-edema, insect repellant, treats sore throat, earache, PMS, skin care: acne, burns, cellulitis, bacterial and fungal infections.

Although known as a skin care oil, Geranium also helps to relieve cramps, occasional depression, and nervousness. Its noted balancing affect makes Geranium a very versatile massage oil for day or evening. Moreover, it is effective in baths, compresses, diffusors, spritzers, lotions, and facial oils. Geranium also remains a favorite ingredient of the perfume and fragrance industry.

This information is intended as a guide only. Anyone with a serious health condition should consult a qualified health professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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