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The Tahitian plant, Gardenia Tahitensis, is soaked into naturally rich, golden liquid coconut extract, slowly releasing the unique properties of the TIARE flower, creating the Legendary, exotic Monoï de Tahiti®.


Your secret to Healthy, Youthful Skin!

The Tahitian plant, Gardenia Tahitensis, is soaked into naturally rich, golden liquid coconut extract, slowly releasing the unique properties of the TIARE flower, creating the Legendary, exotic Monoï de Tahiti®.

Used day or evening, Monoï will condition, nourish, and protect your skin and help maintain its precious moisture.

This highly concentrated natural formula with an exotic yet delicate fragrance helps the skin retain its precious moisture while providing softer, smoother skin - and the BEST NATURAL protection possible!

You will find Monoi de Tahiti in many of our Skin Care Products. Type it in the Search box to see them all.

Use Monoï to deeply condition your hair and scalp, to help maintain moisture and overcome even the most severe dryness.

Suggested uses: As a full body moisturizer to overcome even severe skin dryness; as a pre-shampoo hot treatment to deeply condition your hair; in a bath to soften and hydrate your skin.

Please note: It is natural for Monoï to solidify below 72º F. This will not affect its original properties. You may place the container in hot water to return it to its golden liquid form.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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