Hubbardston Candle Company, located in the small town of Hubbardston, Massachusetts is dedicated to providing quality beeswax candles in different scents and colors. Our candles are made in small batches, and we hand pour the wax. Since we produce in small batches you are assured that you are getting a freshly made candle and not one that has been sitting around for years.
Our goal is to provide our customers the best looking candle on the market. Our jar candles are double-poured to ensure that our customers are getting a solid candle throughout with no air pockets. All of our candles are made with 100% pure beeswax. No other waxes are added. For our scented candles, we do not cut corners on the amount of scent that goes in. All of our candles are very aromatic while burning or not.Hubbardston Candle Company is a husband and wife team that have a passion for making the best beeswax candles with scents that we, and our customers enjoy. Joanne is a full-time English Language Arts teacher and Doug spends his days behind the computer as a Software Engineer. While we are not working our full-time jobs we look forward to making, packaging and shipping our beeswax candles. It is a passion that we hope to be able to continue to grow in the coming years.
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