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Aromatherapy & Essential Oils

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

A true floral water or aromatic hydrolat (hydrosol) contains the plant’s water-soluble components infused into a distillate during the same steam distillation process that produces essential oils.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Niaouli, Organic (Madagascar) Melaleuca quinquinervia Niaouli is similar in appearance and aroma to Eucalyptus.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

To relieve nighttime restlessness. Recommended for bath, compress, massage/body oil or relaxing/calming skin care.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Uses: Fragrance, spritzers, compress, lotions, foot treatments

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

A retreat from stressful tension, worry and mental fatigue. The ideal full body massage blend for “executive’s stress” and headaches.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

Chemical-Free Non-Toxic Family Owned No Artificial Additives
Chemical-Free, Family Owned, Non-Toxic, No Artificial Additives

Sweet Orange differs from the Seville or Bitter Orange tree (Citrus aurantium var. amara; C. vulgaris; C. bigaradia) that yields oils of Neroli (Orange Blossom), Petitgrain, and Bitter Orange. This variety includes such familiar tasty favorites as the Navel and Valencia, grown in Florida, California, and around the Mediterranean from where its distilled oil is most often produced. Although less effectual than the oils of Neroli or Mandarin, Sweet Orange shares with these other orange oils certain antispasmodic and hypotensive properties helpful in the treatment of palpitations, spasms, etc. It also shares similar mood enhancing qualities. Sweet Orange is mildly antibacterial and antiseptic. More notably a tonic and depurative, it works as well topically as a skin and body care toner and cleanser. It is readily administered in fragrances, spritzers, and diffusors.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

All Natural Organic GMO-Free Non-Toxic Sustainably Farmed
All Natural, Organic, GMO-Free, Non-Toxic, Sustainably Farmed

Medicine Flower essential oils are 100% pure botanical oils produced by distillation, CO2, solvent or expression of different parts of the plant.

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