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1025 Majestic Drive #911212
Lexington , Kentucky 40591-1212
United States

Thank you for your time. My name is Melissa Boland of 4-Legger and this is our story of why we've dedicated our lives to making the dog grooming industry safer.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the same day my dog, Henry Clay died from cancer, little did I know the impact his death and my cancer survival would have for dogs everywhere.

During chemotherapy, my cell counts were so low they were classified as infection fatal - meaning if I got sick my body would not be able to fight off an infection.

My oncologist suggested a strict germ free zone in the house with frequent baths for the dogs in my house and dogs that came to visit.

It wasn't long before all of the dogs had dry, itchy and flaky skin. They were miserable.

We looked at the back of the dog shampoo bottle to discover the so called all natural organic dog shampoo we were buying had the same ingredients as the dog shampoos we would never have knowingly purchased.

We believed the marketing when it said "all natural" and "organic". Worse, we paid more money for the privilege of purchasing the green marketed product that contained ingredients linked to allergies, dry skin, hormone disruption, and cancer!

We turned our attention to "how can they advertise all natural and organic" when it isn't?

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